Monday, September 12, 2016


                           BELLY FAT REDUCTION TIPS

Belly Fat reducing methods:

1) Asanas
2) Proper Diet

1) Yoga asana:

Asanas to be strictly done:
1) in a Mat, which is available in departmental stores.
2) with empty stomach i.e. after 2.5 hrs. of food consumption.
3) in natural and open environment without AC.

A) Tibetan Pose:

Tibetan asanas has some postures for reducing belly and to make it flat.

Lets now discuss about Tibetan Asana, which is effective and speedy fat reduction method for modern life style.

Tibetan asanas has 5 important postures:

Posture 1:

  • Stand at 1 foot distance between feet's.
  • Lift both the hands sideways till shoulder level with palms facing ground.
  • Rotate whole body 21 times with face pointing straight at one point.

Posture 2:

  • Lie down with back with hands close to the body, palms touching ground, feets together.
  • Breathing in, pull stomach in-wards while lifting both the legs with heals facing up parallel.
  • Remain in this position for 10 counts and come back to normal lying pose while breathing out.
  • Repeat the above steps for 21 times.

Posture 3:

  • Kneel down with toes pointing inwards, feet slightly apart and hands holding hip.
  • Breathing-in, bring left hand to hold left ankle and bring right hand to hold right ankle.
  • In this posture, head should face the ceiling giving maximum stretch to neck backwards.
  • Remain in this position for 10 counts and slowly release the pose while breathing-out.
  • Repeat the above steps for 21 times.

Posture 4:

  • Lie down in back with kneels bent, feet touching ground, hands close to thigh touching ground.
  • Breathing-in, lift the middle porting of body with neck fully stretched backwards.
  • In this position, body should be straight and parallel to floor. Legs and hands acts as balancer's.
  • Breathing-out, slowly come back to normal position.
  • Repeat the above steps for 21 counts. This pose is popularly known as Table Pose.

Posture 5:

  • Lie down on stomach with palms resting in front of shoulders, feet pointing inwards.
  • Breathing-in, raise the middle portion of body bringing feet touching ground and head facing tummy. The body should be in inverted position. Stay here for 2 counts.
  • Breathing out, rest lower portion of body in ground while bringing up the upper portion of body facing ceiling. This is known as Bujang Asan (Snake Pose). Stay here for 2 counts.  
  • Repeat the above steps 21 times.
The above 5 postures not only reduces belly fat, but also helps in reducing body weight rapidly.

B) Plank Pose:

  • Plank pose strengthens core muscles of the whole body and aids in making tummy flat.
  • Rest the body with fore arms and feet's facing inwards as shown in figure above.
  • Squeezing abs in this pose is most important which gives quick results.
  • Hold the breath inside and stay in the pose for maximum time till body allows.
  • Repeat the pose daily 3 times for better and quick results.

C) Body weight Squat:

  • Stand and keep feet's apart (shoulder's width), head & hands parallel to ground.
  • Come down with body weight on heels with back straight.
  • Come up to normal position. (1 squat completed)
  • Repeat the action starting from 20 squats per day and gradually to 50 squats per day.
  • It's an excellent exercise to reduce body weight and make stomach flat, if practiced regularly.

2) Diet:

Asanas combined with proper diet gives tremendous results.

Some of the effective tips to be taken care while consuming food:
  • Mix a slice of lemon, ginger and pudina leaves in drinking water. This helps in flushing out toxins and aids in digestion, ultimately reducing body fat.
  • Practice regular brisk walking or jogging at least 20 minutes in early morning and evening.
  • Eat break fast between 7 to 9 am, lunch between 1 to 2pm, and light dinner between 6 to 8pm.
  • Consume more fruits, veggies and salads.
  • Avoid oily fried food at any cost.
  • Drink plenty of water during day time.
  • Sleep at-least for 8 hrs. at night.
Video for Healthy Living: (must see for beginners)