Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Yog Asanas


Asanas are practiced for physical fitness and to keep body under control. If body is under control, its easy for mind to be in control. Asanas are pre-requisite for meditation.
Lets now discuss about some flexibility exercise's combined with important asanas introduced by Esteemed Sage Maharishi Patanjali.

Exercise Section:

Exercise 1 - Toe bending, Ankle stretching & rotating:

  • Sit erect with back support, legs in front and feet's facing parallel to opposite wall.
  • Squeeze both the toes maximum and release. Repeat the same cycle 10 times.

  • Sit erect with back support, legs in front and feet's facing parallel to opposite wall.
  • Stretch feet maximum (fingers pointing opposite wall) remaining in this position for few seconds.
  • Then, stretch feet maximum in opposite direction (fingers pointing inwards).
  • Come back to normal position. Repeat the action for 10 counts.
  • Rotate both the ankles in clockwise and anti-clockwise for 10 counts.

Exercise 2 - Hands clenching:

  • Sit in sukhasan (crossed leg) and keep hands in front with fingers stretched maximum.
  • Then, close and open the fingers with maximum strength.
  • Repeat the action for at-least 10 counts.

Exercise 3 - Wrist bending:

  • Sit in any pose, keep the hands in front and bend it from wrist above and below to maximum.
  • Then, come back to normal position.
  • Repeat the action for at-least 10 counts.

Exercise 4 - Shoulder socket rotation:

  • Rotate shoulders in clockwise direction 5 times, as shown in fig.
  • Then, rotate shoulders in anti-clockwise direction 5 times, as shown in fig.

Pre-requisite for Advanced Asanas:

Stretching poses:

Stretch 1: Side lying, one leg raises:

  • Lying at left side, raise one leg to maximum level till body allows and bring it down slowly.
  • Repeat the action for at-least 10 counts.
  • Do the same stretches lying at right side lifting left leg for 10 counts.

Stretch 2: Front lying, leg raises:

  • Lift the left leg to the maximum level with feet facing ceiling and bring it down slowly.
  • Repeat the action for at-least 10 counts.
  • Do the same stretches 10 counts. for right leg.

Stretch 3: Front lying, leg sideways:

  • Lift left leg slightly and bring it to right side giving maximum stretch and take it back.
  • Make sure head faces opposite side during stretch and both shoulder's grounded fully.
  • Repeat the action for at-least 10 counts.
  • Do the same stretches 10 counts. for right leg.

Stretch 4: Side lying, both leg raises:

  • Lying at left side, raise both legs to certain level as shown in fig. B and bring it down slowly.
  • Repeat the action for at-least 10 counts.
  • Do the same stretches lying at right side lifting both legs for 10 counts.

Stretch 5: Side lying, hip abduction:

Asanas Section:

Asana 1 - Vajrasana:

  • Please sit in Vajrasana immediately after food consumption for effective digestion.
  • Practicing this asana regularly (daily at-least 10 mins.) improves body stamina.

Asana 2 - Shashakasana (Relaxing pose):

  • Sit in Vajrasana, breath-in breath-out, then bend forward keeping forehead in floor.
  • Make sure hand touches the feet or both hand holding each other in the back.
  • Important point to note is: forehead should compulsorily touch the floor.
  • Remain in this position for at-least 5 mins. in normal breathing.
  • This posture calms mind and improves the blood flow towards brain giving instant freshness.

  Asana 3 - Mandukasana:

  • Sit in vajrasana, keep both the hands pressing the stomach as shown in fig.
  • Then, bend forward with holding on breath inside.
  • Be in this pose for at-least 10 counts, then come back to normal position.
  • This asana helps to flatten the stomach if done regularly.

Asana 4: Ardhamatsyendrasana (Half spinal twist):

  • Follow the steps from 1 to 5. using the left leg resting on right leg. Step 5 is the final pose.
  • Remain in step 5 for at-least 10 sec. and come back to normal position.
  • Follow the same steps for the other direction too.
  • Repeat the same action for at-least 10 times (5 times each direction)

 Asana 5: Gomukhasana (Cow face pose):

  • Place the right leg on left and lift the right hand to catch the other hand from back as shown.
  • Try the lock both the hands, although its tough to hold on initially. Rest in the pose for 5 sec.
  • Towel or kerchief can also be used to bridge the connection between hands.
  • Similarly follow the above steps for the other hand.
  • Repeat the action for at-least 10 times. (5 times for each hand).

Asana 6: Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend pose):

  • Sit with legs in front and hands raised. Slowly bend forward with hands holding the feet.
  • Make sure the lower back is fully stretched, so as to hold the feet perfectly.
  • Rest in this position for at-least 10 secs. till the body allows.
  • Pose helps in strengthening spine and treating diabetes.Repeat the action for at-least 10 times.

Asana 7: Dhanurasana (Bow pose):

  • Follow the steps from 1 to 4. Rest in the final pose for at-least 10 sec. till body allows.
  • This pose stretches the whole body and activates internal organs to perform effectively.
  • Repeat the action for at-least 10 counts.

Asana 8: Shalabhasana (Locust pose):

  • Repeat the pose for at-least 10 counts till body allows.
  • This asana strengthens the lower back muscle.

Lung Strengthening technique in 2mins (Important Video) :

1 comment:

  1. Thanks James. Yoga is best way to counter both physical as well as mental issue and keep the balance within our system. Glad you following it. Please share it to others as well.
